- Opening Prayer (Kate)
- Reports
- Secretary’s Report Jessica
- Passes unanimously
- Treasurer’s Report: Clara
- $87 in cash
- Outreach’s Report: WACYPAA: Outreach table at WACYPAA, need someone to bring poster in car, we’re also hosting a marathon meeting at 1pm-2pm on Saturday January 4th! And hospitality 3rd at 2p
- Events Report: Nick
- Mt Tabor $40 for rent needs to be paid!
- Programs’ Report Katherine
- Speakers did amazing!!! Thank you for your service Owen, Sage, and Jessica. (:
- Graphics and Flyers Report Chris
- Changing the settings for cards and getting them to Claire so that she can get those ordered!
- Memorabilia Report:Austin
- Sold a couple playing cards, lots of interest in them so far!!
- Webmaster Report Austin
- Registration’s Report Megan
- 2 new registrations
- Unity Report Will
- Raffle Report Katie
- Going to send photos to Claire and Austin to post raffle baskets!
- Any Other Necessary Reports
- Secretary’s Report Jessica
- Old Business
- Currently Held Positions
- Chair: Riley
- Treasurer: Clara
- Secretary: Jessica
- Volunteer Chair: Elizabeth
- Outreach: Claire
- Events: Nick
- Programs: Katherine
- Registration: Megan
- Memorabilia: Austin
- Webmaster: Austin
- Graphics and Flyers: Chris
- Unity: Will
- Tickets and raffles: Katie
- Third Legacy: Brian
- Prayer: Kate
- Currently Held Positions
- Election of Necessary Positions
- Committee Positions
- Culinary Jedi
- Mail out
- Committee Positions
- Sign up sheet for hosting Sunday Meeting
- Update for Community Service Project for Unity
- Clara would like to motion to approve Chris’s design of the blue tinted and do a quantity of 250, Claire to be responsible for printing them. Megan seconds. Friendly amendment to do 500. Express shipping is possible. Not exceeding $75 for the cards ordering. Passes unanimously.
- Memorabilia: We are wanting to wait until after the next event. We aren’t wanting to presale because of legal issues. Austin motions to table for two business meetings. Seconds Clara. Passes unanimously!!!!!
- Shirts (offer pre-order or decide when to order)
- Estimated $15 per printed shirt
- Last year’s shirts were sold at $20 each
- Types of sweatshirts?
- Shirts (offer pre-order or decide when to order)
- Main Speakers for the Conference!!
- Definitely Jenn (Friday or Saturday?)
- Male speaker for the other night? Somebody from out of state?
- Want your suggestions!
- Want to get invitations/requests out post WACYPAA and have confirmations by end of January
- Add some speaker suggestions to the google drive page and we can talk more at the next business meeting! (:
New Business?
Nick motions to have a karaoke bid off event sometime in January. (To help with promotions we can come up with ideas as a committee to have some quick outreach to be able to pull off having events every month.) Weekend of January 24th and will reach out to fellowship hall to lock in the venue. Kate seconds. Katherine and Elizabeth discussion for not feeling like there is enough time and too much going on to possibly skip January event. Votes stay and Motion passes!
- NEXT MEETING: (Scheduled a week late d/t WACYPAA) Sunday January 11th @ 7:30-9pm Location: Claire’s place