- Attendance: Riley, Alice, Claire, Clara, Nick, Jessica, Brian, Megan, Liz, Austin, Adam, Katie, Shyanne, Will
- Opening Prayer
- Reports
- Secretary’s Report, accepted and passed
- Treasurer’s Report, waiting to open bank account and then transferring money over. Will need to get a PO box.
- Outreach’s Report, she needs access to social accounts. Outreaching for the other YPAA events that are coming.
- Events Report, camp Kiesel was super fun and successful!
- Programs’ Report, no updates
- Graphics and Flyers’ Report, no updates
- Merchandise Report, researching for good ideas for future merch!! Respond to the group me so we can get your opinions.
- Registration’s Report, no updates
- Webmaster Update, needs edit privileges to update the accounts to take down the past events on the website.
- Any Other Necessary Reports
- Old Business
- Currently Held Positions
- Chair: Riley
- Treasurer: Clara
- Secretary: Jessica
- Volunteer Chair: Elizabeth
- Outreach: Claire
- Events: Nick
- Culinary Jedi: Alice
- Programs: Katherine
- Registration: Megan
- Webmaster: Adam
- Merchandise: Austin
- Graphics and Flyers: Shyanne
- Mail out: Sage
- Unity: Will
- Election of Necessary Positions
- Committee Positions
- Prayer Chair
- Tickets and raffles
- Third Legacy
- Clara Motions to add these positions into the bylaws, Riley will add these in. Passes unanimously!
- Committee Positions
- Currently Held Positions
- New Business
- Committee Expectations:
-Attendance (Meetings and events)
-Bylaws D. iv:
- “Two consecutive absences from a business meeting without extenuating circumstances will be considered an automatic resignation by the member and the position will be filled immediately”
- “It is the responsibility of the committee member to communicate extenuating circumstances to the executive committee members or the chair”
- “The committee member should make every effort to send a report in case of absence due to an extenuating circumstance”
- What to do about all the crap in Katie’s garage. Who has space? Jessica can take some/all. Clara and Claire also take some. Jessica will arrange.
- PO box? $182 per year. Will vote in the Group me.
- Location of next UCYPAA. Want to do camp Kiesel again, and will reach out to them to ensure we have a spot!
- Registration Forms drafts, posted on the google drive
- Research conference themes, send them in before the next meeting so we can vote!!
- Need new venmo code for fliers
- Events ideas:
- Pickleball BBQ
- Reservoir lake day (floatypaa)
- Arts and crafts
- Karaoke
- Bingo Night
- Game Night
Nick motions to have our first event to be floatypaa at the end of august. Clara Seconds. Motion passes unanimously.
Make sure to do preview announcements, SO EXCITING!!
- Brian will stand for third legacy!
- Katie will stand for tickets and raffle!
- Katie motions to purchase a premium zoom package for meetings
- Clara seconds and passes unanimously. Motion passes and Clara will purchase it for us.
Next meeting is Sunday August 4th at 7:30-9:00 pm, At Clara’s house.